This AMerican Dice is an actual play podcast created by Austin and David. They are gamers based in Central Florida.

X-Men Masks Episode 3

X-Men Masks Episode 3

Will the unstoppable Juggernaut live up to his name as he smashes his way through the city all the way back to the professor, or will these powerful pals in puberty bring him to justice?

And will anyone say “I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!”? My God I hope not. Join us for the exciting finale of X-Men Masks.

*After the episode, stick around to check out the trailer for our new show premiering in two weeks (May 3rd) - it will be to die for.

X-Men Masks sees the classic characters on an adventure to test their abilities…and maybe…just maybe…learn a little something about themselves.

X-Men Masks is:

Katie as Angel

Austin as Beast

Branden as Cyclops

Andrew as Iceman

David as the Game Master

The theme music is Super Hero by King Louis’ Missing Monuments

System by Branden Conway of Magpie Games

Trailer features Scott, Marisa, Austin, Katie, Branden, and David

Ryoko Owari: City of Lies Episode 4 part 1

Ryoko Owari: City of Lies Episode 4 part 1

Ryoko Owari: City of Lies Episode 3

Ryoko Owari: City of Lies Episode 3